Weekly Tidy Up


It doesn't always happen, but when it does it is a game-changer for the week ahead. Nothing feels better than waking up on Monday morning to a clean living room and empty sink! -Katie Weber


  • Declutter the countertops - get a basket and fill it up with everything that doesn't belong.

  • Throw away school work that isn't hung or filed, put bills on my desk and shred everything else.

*Pro mom tip: take said school work to outside trashcan so children don't dig out of the trash #rookiemistake #happenedlotsatmyhouse

  • Clean the sink and counters with Thieves cleaner after loading up the dishwasher.

  • Clear the living room. Turn some music on and work together with your family. Put anything that doesn't belong in a laundry basket and then send it with it's owner. Takes 10 minutes and makes a huge difference!

  • Fold blankets and arrange pillows on the couch/chairs- this simple task can literally change my morning when I walk into a peaceful living room!

  • Get the diffuser and coffee machine set up and ready to hit the on button in the morning. We are loving the Fallen Snow diffuser blend of peppermint, bergamot & cypress right now!

Tell us your favorite Sunday night tip! We love sharing ideas!