loyalty rewards explained
What is Loyalty Rewards?
This is a FREE loyalty program. You can get started when joining or anytime after!
Find products you love, click create loyalty order, check out with your products!
100% Free
Customizable (change your products, date, shipping each month!)
Points back on all of your purchases to use like cash! 10% for first three months, 20% back after 3 consecutive months and 25% back after 24 months.
FREE loyalty gifts at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months!
FREE promo oils + products with qualifying orders
Cancel anytime

this month’s gift with purchase
One item on a Loyalty Order unlocks the 24% discount. Order 50 pv and above and you unlock Loyalty Rewards (points back to use like cash!). Order 100 pv and above and unlock free products with qualifying orders!
On your 2nd month of ordering on Loyalty Rewards you’ll receive a free diffuser with your order!
One Thing to Note!
LR orders will now process at 12:01am ON the processing day (so you’ll no longer have all day on the day of your LR processing date to update your order).
Example: July 10th LR will process the morning OF July 10 at 12:01am Mountain Time.