Emotional Education : Back to Basics


How do we help our kids with oils + resetting their emotions?

One way we can help our kids with emotions is by modeling for them how to regulate all the feels. By this I mean, we talk about what we're feeling. "Mom feels super overwhelmed. I'm going to grab my Stress Away and calm down!" Then we model how to calm our crazy We invite them to do it with us. Kids learn almost everything by observing what we do, not what we tell them to do- which we all know that, right? It's just harder to put into practice!!

Another thing that really helps kids with their emotions is Purification - especially when they are little (until they are 9 or 10, kids cannot understand their thoughts in relation to other thoughts/ feelings and cannot express what they are thinking and feeling with proper language). The reason why we use Purification a lot in our home is because of how it helps with releasing Anger, or helping the body to level-up to feelings above Anger in the emotional spectrum. Anger is a SUPER-PROTECTIVE emotion. When kids "act out" they are really protecting their hearts and bodies from feeling the bigger, scarier feelings. Anger is a feeling common to our kids because it protects them from feeling deeper. However, processing those deeper feelings is good for their development too!

The way we use Purification with the Anger protocol:

  • When I notice my kiddo is getting really tense or angry, I go get Purification and use it with me- I smell it. Rub a dot over my liver. I model calming down.

  • Then I could say. "Mom is angry, I'm going to try and let that go. Let's think of something silly." (Laughter is the other side of Anger.) Use when appropriate

  • Then I invite them to try it out or I let them smell it and apply it with coconut oil if they are young to their belly. If they don't want to try it on themselves, I ask them to help me do it one more time so they at least get to smell it in the air and see emotional-regulation being modeled for them.

  • Thinking of something silly may seem, well- silly However, the quickest way to release anger is to laugh. Then after the laughter, my kids are ALWAYS open to talking about the bigger feelings or sharing that they were scared, nervous, worried, afraid....things they anger was protecting.

This is just one example of how to use oils with your kids and help them to feel like they have handy tools with their essential oils. It's also great for Mom or Dad because it helps us remember we can use these tools too .