Emotional Support for Back to School


At this point in the month, school is in full swing for all of us with school-aged littles! Although they have had some time to adjust to new schedules by now, they could still be working through a lot of emotions!

When I see my kiddos having an “off day”, we pause what we’re doing and have some extra cuddles/time to just chat. I have them grab the emotional support oil they want to take a 30 seconds to breathe in together… our go-to’s are Kidscents Kidpower, Valor, Idaho Blue Spruce, Peace & Calming, and Lavender.

Taking note of what they love in these moments is a great opportunity to make a roller to send with them to school, co-op, activities, and other activities away from home!

Sometimes their emotions are all over the place simply because they are tired or need more sleep and nutrition. Here are a few habits we’ve implemented that have helped us SO much:

  • Starting their diffuser with lavender about an hour before bedtime

  • Apply lavender or Sleepyize to feet, wrists, and neck (we use homemade or pre-made rollers, and some nights we do foot massages)

  • Making sure the kids eat a breakfast full of protein and take their Mightyzymes and Ningxia Red before we start school or they leave for co-op (or other activities)

  • Apply focus/emotional support oils and send them with a roller to use as needed throughout their time away from us

These things have really helped us and opened up amazing conversations with our littles! What are some of your kids' go-to oils for big emotions?