Christmas Prep
We wanted to share some holiday tips and tricks so that you can truly savor the season while making things special for the ones you love. -Katie Weber
List out all your tasks to be completed.
Prep your gift list & knock it out in one sitting online or day. (Don't forget: teachers, postal workers, your fav waiter and anyone else who faithfully serves throughout the year.)
Cook now & freeze all that you can so it's easy to whip out when you need it.
Plan your calendar for the season by only saying yes to what is most important to you and your family.
Make a christmas bucket list and enjoy!
Many of us have added responsibilities during this season and all the expectations can create overwhelm and stress. Before beginning anything, refocusing this season and embracing imperfection is a game changer.
Love this quote: *"Our holidays will be imperfect, because we are imperfect, because life is imperfect. But there is laughter and connection and meaning in the messy, cluttered, chaotic moments." *- unknown
Take a few minutes each day to pause and diffuse stress away or peace & calming.
Make a daily gratitude list - this practice can shift everything!
Take a 10 min walk outside to ensure you're getting fresh air during this busy season
List out your values and only do what aligns with them this season. (ie. love, intention, simplicity)
What's your favorite practice ensure you have a calm and peaceful holiday season?