Emotional Education : Panaway
We know that we LOVE this EO for it's benefits for our muscles and physical aches and pains, but this is a friendly reminder that Panaway can also help support our emotions too! -Eryn Jones
Panaway contains Helichrysum, Clove, Wintergreen, and Peppermint. This combo of oils can help us physically, yes, but also is great for the following emotions:
emotional pain
fear of feeling
So many times we can go through seasons where we need a little help feeling vibrant and thriving. Also many of our bigger emotions we stuff away can get stuck in our fascia and muscles- **that is why they are called "stress knots"! **
Our physical bodies are so tied with our emotional well-being, so grab some Panaway next time you are feeling down. Rub a little on your neck and shoulders or anywhere you feel tired or stressed and give yourself some much needed emotional energy!