Scented Bubbles
Bubbles are enjoyed by everyone for their wonder, beauty and sense of magic. Tiny babies are mesmerized and even big kids love to play and pop bubbles! Here's a simple recipe that you can make at home and add your favorite oils to make them not only fun but smell like a dream! -Katie Weber
3/4 cup water
1/4 cup dish soap - unscented or thieves dish soap
1 Tbsp. liquid glycerin
15–20 drops your favorite essential oil
8 oz. plastic bottle or several 4 oz. or 2 oz. plastic bottles
In a small bowl or cup, mix together essential oil and the unscented dish soap. Let sit for a few minutes.
Add liquid glycerin, and mix together.
Add the soap and essential oil mixture to the water in a mixing bowl.
Stir the mixture until everything is blended together (do not whisk or stir rapidly, or you’ll end up making a lot of froth).
Pour mixture into an 8 oz. plastic bottle or into several smaller bottles.
Allow mixture to sit for 12–24 hours.
To use the mixture, use standard bubble wands dipped into the bottles; or pour the mixture into a shallow bowl or pan, and use different shaped cookie cutters, pipe cleaners formed into loops, straws, or anything else you desire to blow the bubbles with.
You could also make a large version of this for huge bubbles.
*This is the perfect spring craft for getting outside or a fun waterless bath tub activity! Great for keeping littles contained and then you can just rinse and repeat! Enjoy and have fun! *