Ditch and Switch : Thieves Laundry Soap


*One of the simplest switches you can make for a green home starts in the laundry room!! Everything we use or wear passes through here, so pack a big chemical-free punch by switching out your laundry soap! *

Did you know that conventional laundry soap is a leading cause of skin allergies and irritation - especially in children? We don’t often think about it, but the residues left on clothes and linens from conventional cleaners sit on our skin, often causing low-level irritation. Not to mention the chemical load that leaves over time! Even the ‘green’ options may contain hidden sulfates, dyes and fragrance, among other things! -Ashley Cribb




  • Free from SLS, dyes, petrochemicals, formaldehyde, phosphates, synthetic perfume, and optical brighteners

  • Safe and natural safe enough to be poured directly onto clothing

  • Compatible with high-efficiency (HE) washing machines

  • Can be used as a stain pre-treatment applied directly to fabric

  • Contains enzymes that combat dirt and stains

  • Formulated to be a highly concentrated formula - a 32-ounce container can wash up to 64 loads


  • Follow the instructions on your garment’s care label and on your washer. Simply add Thieves Laundry Soap in place of a conventional detergent!

  • Standard load: ½ cap for conventional washers, ¼ cap for HE washers.

  • For extra oomph, you can add a few drops of Lemon or Tea Tree essential oil to the soap in the washing dispenser!

*Are you going to ditch and switch with us as we refresh for spring?!! Let us know below!! *