Emotional Education : Immune Support


As Fall begins, we are thinking of ways to keep above the wellness line, but did you know that many of the common winter oils/ supplements we use this time of year also support our emotions and mental processes?! -Eryn Jones


For when you are feeling Vulnerable, Exhausted, and Run Down the oils and supplements below can help. Do you know when extra organisms invade your cells, it affects you emotionally too? When we begin to fall below the wellness line it affects us physically, yes, but also spiritually, emotionally, mentally- we are an Eco-system and everything inside us is interconnected!

Many of our feeling-producing neurotransmitters (fancy word for those chemicals like serotonin and dopamine) are actually in our Guts! About 90%+ of our bodies serotonin is produced in the bowels, which is an important part of our immune system!! During the Fall/ Winter season supporting the gut to support our emotions is extra important especially since we get out less and have less access to sunshine! The following oils can be used to support the gut, the key to feeling regulated and grounded during this season! Simply rub your oil of choice over the abdomen a couple times during the day: