Goal Setting With Essential Oils
Anyone else have goals (big or small!!) for this year? Grab your oils and let's use them intentionally to reach those goals! -Ashley Cribb
Ok so you may be asking.. how can oils help with my goals?? Pure essential oils help our mind to relax and deal with stress triggers that are programmed into our brain, our nervous system, and all of our cells. And Young Living has some incredible oil blends that are tailored towards goals!!! Here are a few of my personal favorites that I'm using right now:
Creativity, focus, and drive to move forward are requirements as we work toward school, business, and personal goals, and this blend of Spruce, Geranium, Orange, Lavender, Sage, and Rose oils is perfect for that!
Pop a roller ball fitment on the bottle, and use as needed throughout your day or add to a diffuser necklace!
Add it to your diffuser with Valor + Lime, with Stress Aawy or Orange! This is great during meditation, journaling or even while working!
Do you ever struggle with feelings of not being and not having enough? Maybe in your role as spouse or parent, in your finances, or in your business pursuits?
Abundance is your intentional pursuit of seeing new truth about your life. There is MORE than you need ready to be enjoyed, given, poured out, and running over in every area of your life!
Apply this oil over your heart, on your wrists or even on the bottom of the feet DAILY and repeat 'I have an abundance of _____ (joy, energy, finances, etc).
According to resident emotions expert Eryn Jones this oil blend is great for feeling Powerless over situations, boundaries, others' expectations. And for evoking the emotion of Empowerment! I think we can all relate to that after 2020!!!
Drop this oil directly onto the crown of your head each day (no your hair won't be oily, promise!) - don't rub it in, just drop it there. Take a few deep breaths and repeat a positive affirmation!
Pair with Orange or Joy.
"When we feel like we are powerful we can handle any situation. When I say "powerful", what I mean by that is living to your fullest potential, living in your YOU-ness, your FULLNESS." Eryn Jones
Motivation is a blend of Lavender, Roman Chamomile, Spruce, and Ylang Ylang that releases the emotion of inertia....a tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged.
Diffuse or apply Motivation to help you LET GO of unchanged thought patterns, outdated self-harming habits, limitations, and things that are keeping you stuck and going round and round the same issue instead of moving forward.
This oil blend is really about letting go of whatever has emotionally caused us to resist moving forward. Sometimes working through that before tackling the project or problem itself is the best thing that we can do for ourselves and the others in our life!
*Do you have any favorite oils for goal setting?! We'd love to hear them! *