Thieves Laundry Soap Hack
Green clean in March!! You know our love for all things Thieves runs deep (who wouldn't want safe + powerful, plant-based cleaning that smells like Christmas?!), and this laundry soap is one of our favorite products! Here is a hack for those who want to make it go even farther. - Ashley Cribb
Pour 16oz of Thieves laundry detergent into a storage container and set it aside (we like to use these large pump bottles to make two at once!)
Mix together 15oz of distilled water + 3 capfuls of undiluted Thieves household cleaner and add it to the laundry soap bottle that is half full
Turn upside down to mix them together (mix gently because it will form bubbles) and use as shown on the label.
If you use the large pump bottles, it is about 7 pumps per load for an HE washer.
If you're wanting to stretch your Thieves Laundry Detergent and make 2 bottles from one, this is for you! This brings the cost down to about 25 cents per load, which is insanely less expensive than any other clean detergent!