DIY Cinnamon and Orange Lip Balm


Once September hits, give me all the cinnamon everything! Cinnamon Bark is a spicy flavor and full of antioxidants. Orange blends well with it too, which is why we love our Thieves and Orange in the diffuser right?! I tend to go through a lot of lip balm this time of year from the cold, so I love making some of these to have on hand! -Kristina Carter

What You'll Need:

1 1/2 Tbsp Beeswax Pellets
1 Tbsp Shea Butter
1 Tbsp Cocoa Butter
1 Tbsp cold pressed coconut oil
1 Tbsp Sweet Almond OIl
10 drops Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil
10 drops Orange Essential Oil
1 Tbsp Castor Oil
Funnel, medicine dropper, or plastic pipette

Using a double boiler, melt the cocoa butter, shea butter, beeswax and coconut oil all over medium heat. Before boiling, turn off the heat and quickly whisk in the sweet almond oil. Let it cool, but don't allow it to harden. Mix in the oils, then using a funnel, dropper or pipette, pour the mixture into the lip balm tubes. Once the mixture begins to harden, place the lid on and let harden overnight.
Some other variations could be Peppermint and Thieves, Lavender and Lemon, or Grapefruit and Peppermint.