Starter Kit Favorites : Back to School
We know school is looking very different for everyone this year, however, you can still use your Premium Starter Kit to get the most out of the new school year! -Lauren Dunaway
We use Lavender, Lemon, Thieves EVERY.SINGLE. DAY. I know they will continue to be my most used oils! All of the starter kit oils truly are the perfect start when you are using oils for your kids, your family, or yourself!
Here are some ways to incorporate the starter kit oils into your back to school routines!
Great support for sleep the night before school starts
Roll onto feet after school for calming
Diffuse after school or before bed for helping unwind
Put a few drops with Epsom salts in their bath to promote a good night’s sleep!
Perfect for diffusing in the morning with Peppermint
Helps get rid of the yuck in a roller or chest rub
Use to remove gum or sticky residue
Make a roller, 10 drops of Thieves and the rest carrier. Roll on the bottom of the feet EVERY day
Add a few drops with some witch hazel to a spray bottle for a DIY Thieves spray for door handles, remotes, the car, you name it!
Diffuse in the afternoon with Orange
Diffuse it in the afternoon for all the happy, uplifting feels!
Add it to a sports bag spray with Lavender or Purification
Kiddos can roll on before bed to support a good nights sleep
Parents can roll on before carpool or the witching hour
Diffuse with Lemon or make a chest rub to clear things up
(Remember use topically only for children 6 or older!)
Dilute with some carrier oil and rub on upset tummies
Diffuse in the mornings or afternoon with Lavender or Lemon or even Stress Away!
Make a massage oil and roll on after sports practice or games, also great for growing pains!
Diffuse with Lemon in the afternoons, great for exhaustion
(Remember use topically only for children 6 or older!)
Rub it on the bottom of feet for calming
Add it to a wellness roller to roll on the bottom of the feet or along the spine
Pop that packet in the freezer for an afterschool slushee treat for the kiddos
Add it to your morning routine for an energy boost to get out the door for the parents
For all things tummy, real or not
Diffuse in the afternoons
Put a drop in home-made playdough
Put a drop on a lovie to help in the afternoon or with drop off
Make a butterflies roller with Valor, PC, and Frankincense
Drop in your or your child’s hand and rub together and take a deep breath
Keep those hands clean, door knobs clean, remotes clean, school bags clean. You name it!
What oil are you going to grab first for Back to School? Share in the comments and tag a friend whose new to oils who'd love this post!