DIY for Household & Garden Pests


Spring is just around the corner, and we are ready to fill our window sills and gardens with new greenery for the season! Whether you are planting vegetables, flowers, herbs or freshening your space with houseplants, these simple essential oil-infused DIYs will be your new best friends. -Ashley Cribb

DIY Pest Spray:

  • 16oz glass spray bottle

  • 8oz distilled water

  • 8oz alcohol-free witch hazel

  • 20 drops Peppermint

  • 20 drops Eucalyptus

  • 15 drops Hyssop

  • 15 drops Pine

  • Spray directly onto plants and soil as desired or needed. You can also spray a sponge with this solution and clean the plant leaves. To deter mice, squirrels, etc., place a few drops of undiluted peppermint oil on a cotton ball and place it near your plants or on the perimeter of your garden.

DIY Mildew Spray:

  • Glass spray bottle

  • 4oz distilled water

  • 20 drops Tea Tree

  • 10 drops Lavender

  • 10 drops Thieves

  • Spray directly onto plants and soil. Plant leaves can be sensitive to this oil, so don’t over apply and avoid spraying in direct sunlight. If you need to apply to the leaves, spray onto a damp cloth and gently wipe the leaves as needed.

Find more, including oils for specific pest needs in the LifeSteps app: