Earth Day Diffuser Blend


Happy Earth Day! We're so proud to be affiliated with a company that does so much to reinvest in nature. Young Living is a major industry leader in preservation and standards. The website has some amazing information on their farms and how they operate!

From YL website:

"The Young Living Lavender Farm and Distillery is where Young Living has compiled one of the most extensive libraries of horticultural data related to aromatic plant production in the world, with information on harvesting, testing, and much more. This farm is also a waystation for beautiful monarch butterflies, where they can rest and feed during their migration between Canada and Northern Mexico."

Find out more about Young Living's farms and what they do to put back into our planet here:


2 drops blue cypress(sub any tree oil)

2 drops pine

2 drops lavender

2 drops geranium(sub any floral oil)

Are you doing anything to celebrate Earth Day?