2022 Reflections


Friends! We are getting so close to another year ending, and a new one beginning. It's so easy to get wrapped up this time of year in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, but it is so important to pause and reflect on this year... things I've been asking myself-* how am I doing? what am I grateful for? how am I feeling about 2022? what was in my control or out of my control?* - Jessica Steward

Here are some things I like to do when I take time for reflection:

  • Get that diffuser pumping! I've been gravitating towards oils like Believe, Evergreen Essence, and Christmas Spirit. These make me feel happy and grounded. Find the oils that work for you. Even grabbing a bottle and breathing them in directly can do wonders!

  • Take time to pause, have grace on yourself, and gratitude for where you are right now. Choose a thought that is going to keep you grounded in this season. Write out your gratitude list and add to it frequently. This has been a game changer for me!

  • Make a roller to have on the go to help you center in on gratitude when you're out and about and need to be reminded to slow down.

Do you keep a gratitude list going? I'd love to hear something you are grateful for, or a win from 2022!