Get it! Roller


Daylight Savings is on Sunday!! Love these tips from Erin Smith Jones

Let's talk about this time change! One hour may not seem like a big deal, but it can really mess with our internal clocks and studies show that it has negative health effects, too. Here are some tips to help us adjust and a roller blend that has been helpful to me this week!


Go to bed 30 min to an hour earlier to maximize the daylight hours

Eat nutritious meals, making sure to get your healthy fats and protein with Omega-3's to help with regulating mood and calm the body's response to inflammation

Stay active and engaged socially

Taking a trip to the Caribbean wouldn't hurt either!

Since we can't always take off to the beach, here's a roller that will help keep you alert and energized when the days are shorter!


15 Orange

15 Grapefruit

5 Eucalyptus

3 Peppermint

Add the above oils to a empty roller, top off with your favorite carrier oil. Apply to bottoms of feet, temples, back of neck for an extra boost!

Do you have any tricks for little ones during a time change?