Emotional Education : Gratitude
In November, we like to think about Gratitude and what we are Thankful for, but sometimes we need a little help getting to a place of Gratitude.
Gratitude EO is powerful because it helps with feelings of Personal Safety. Feeling Safe to Be You, feeling Safe to be in your Body, to be where You Are. It gets you into the good about the present moment!
And This. Is. Powerful!
Feeling free to be “You”, and feeling Protection over that, creates much felt safety! And Gratitude (both the oil and the practice) is the Gateway to this place.
Drop 2-5 drops on the crown of your head in the morning and/or evening and saying three-five things you are thankful for.
This is HUGE for re-wiring the brain when it comes to Hope and Positivity. If you are a worrier (like me!) this is amazing for helping you achieve a higher brain-state and more positive vibes.
When I practice this I see my attitude shift- I'm happier towards my kids when things are cray, and I can switch my emotions around from negative to positive much more easily. Let us know if you give it a try!