Emotional Education : Clove
Ever feel like unleashing on someone else? Sometimes something off happens and then the whole bucket spills over! -Eryn Jones
If you feel like you keep everything inside your "bucket" and hold it all in...until you can't, then Clove might help support you emotionally.
How To Use:
Clove (diluted) over the sides of the throat, diffused, or inhaled straight from the bottle can be a big help if you feel like you need a safe emotional release.
Being in control of releasing your emotions can be very helpful for those of us who hold things in. Replacing the thought patterns that keep us doing that is even better!
The other side of Lashing Out at others is Discernment. When you use clove regularly and speak the mantra "Truth Comes Through Me" you can help retrain your brain to honestly release emotions that are kept hidden. Clove is also helpful to rub over the liver where most intense, protective emotions (like Anger) are stored.
Clove is also a main ing. in our favorite Fall staple: Thieves! Thieves can also be used for helping with emotions in this way as well