All about Ningxia Red
Did you know we're doing a '30 Days of Red' challenge this month?! Hop on in with us!! The challenge is simple. 30 days in a row of 2-4oz NingXia Red. You'll be able to tell a difference for sure! And here is why....
NingXia is a filled with SO much goodness, it’s hard to pick where to start, but here are a few highlights!! This powerhouse antioxidant supplement contains:
Wolfberry (goji berry) puree
Blueberry, plum, cherry, aronia, and pomegranate juices
Grape seed extract
Yuzu, Tangerine, Lemon and Orange essential oils
Stevia and pure vanilla extract for flavor
High in ellagic acid, polyphenols, flavonoids, vitamins, and minerals.
Contains 18 amino acids, 21 trace minerals, beta-carotene, and vitamins B1, B2, B6, and E.
Why do we care about these ingredients? One word. ANTIOXIDANTS. A quick google search can show you how important antioxidants are! And NO other supplement gives you this many. Plus it's impossible to each enough foods each day to get this level of antioxidant support! NingXia is the highest known protection against the dangerous superoxide free radicals, as documented in the S-ORAC test conducted by Brunswick Laboratories. Ningxia Red supports
Immune function
Liver funciton and detoxification
Heart, brain and eye health
Supports energy levels
Does that sound like something you want going into your body every day?! Grab your NingXia and join us for 30 days of Red!!
When making a lifestyle change it is important to remember:
Consistency is key. Not perfection. If one day you forget to drink your Ningxia packet, or you revert back to an unhealthy habit, know that each day holds the same amount of promise. You can always recover from off-days!
Little changes make a big difference. The best thing about Ningxia is that it is as simple as drinking your morning coffee. You are equipping your body with essential nutrients for optimal function all day long!
You are not alone. Your health journey can seem daunting sometimes, but there are so many ways* *to include others! Keep a journal so you can share what Ningxia has done for you during this challenge and bring in a friend!! We're all in this together!