March Order Ideas!
*As you are getting your monthly orders ready for March we wanted to give you some ideas! Essential Rewards is our monthly FREE loyalty program that gives you FREE products with qualifying orders PLUS points back to use like cash. We have gotten thousands of dollars of free products from being on Essential Rewards. *
Have you tried our CBD? We are completely hooked on the Citrus Drops, Calm Roller, and muscle balm.
Spring oils we love: Lemon Verbena, Grapefruit, Geranium, Tangerine
Capri Blue Coastal oils - 3 drops Stress Away, 2 drops Lemon, 2 drops Grapefruit, 2 drops Bergamot
Rose ointment - if you have not tried this multitasking skin saver, add it immediately to your order!
Make sure you have plenty of Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint on hand! Grab Copaiba for extra support.
Add Northern Lights Black Spruce to your order for the forest feels and some major emotional and grounding support!
Add a new Savvy Minerals blush or lip color! They have the best non-toxic colors and I'm obsessed with them.
Restocks: Thieves Laundry Detergent, Thieves Dish Soap, Ningxia, Seedlings Wipes, Savvy Makeup Remover wipes
Bath gel base! Make your own girly bath wash with your favorite oils. Love this versatile bath gel!
For the guys: Shutran, Shutran Beard Oil and bath wash.