Emotional Education : Oils & The Enneagram


Each Enneagram Number has a particular affinity for different emotional struggles. I've put together a list for each type and blend or essential oil that might help with your number's recurring struggle! -Eryn Jones


  • The One's main struggle: Anxious Judgement & Anger. EO helper: Joy for times of forgiveness and Purification over the liver to help release anger.

  • The Two's main struggle: Neglecting themselves, Resentment for not being cared for.*** Highest Potential ***can help with establishing boundaries and promoting feelings of empowerment.

  • The Three's main struggle: Feeling "less than" & over-compartmentalizing (aka: not feeling). Frankincense can be a huge help to ground you when you are needing to feel more and can also help you connect with the awesome, authentic things that make you valuable!

  • The Four's main struggle: Feeling misunderstood and/or abandoned, and has a tendency to over-compare themselves to others. Release and Abundance can help with letting go of these hang-ups, and feeling free-er to be yourself without feelings of scarcity.

  • The Five's main struggle: Feeling incapable and sometimes consumed with gathering intangible resources (knowledge, alone time, feeling of security). ***Balsam Fir ***helps when feeling too scattered and is very grounding for feelings of insecurity.

  • The Six's main struggle: Feeling unsafe, fear of having lack of support or being abandoned. Lavender is the calming hero and also promotes feelings of being connected (opposite of abandonment).

  • The Seven's main struggle: Feeling lack and strongly fears discomfort. Lemon + Ginger (Abundance is also a great blend- I'm giving the sevens 3 here ) are all great for feeling complete of full instead of "missing out on something".

  • The Eight's main struggle: Feeling weak and/ or not being in control (or even losing control after having it). Peace & Calming and Inner Child come highly recommended by my Enneagram 8 friends for feeling balanced and secure.

  • The Nine's main struggle: Lack of movement, momentum, energy for certain things and the avoid conflict the most! En-R-Gee can be a big helper in giving you emotional energy as well as Harmony in times of conflict

For even more information on each type and more oils for your number, check out this GDS album too! https://www.facebook.com/media/set/...