Emotional Education : Emotions and Endocrine Disruptors


Our bodies are like and Ecosystem held in delicate balance, and your hormones are like the weather! They affect every part of the ecosystem! Some cool things about oils is that they are designed by nature to help your body achieve homeostasis- so if you have too much OR too little of a particular hormone in your body, oils can help either way- super cool and what makes them different from synthetic hormones! -Eryn Jones

First, it is helpful to remove endocrine disrupting chemicals from the home. Phthalates, Harsh Solvents, and Fragrances (synthetic) can be found in many things from candles to laundry detergent. www.ewg.org is a great resource to look up what you have around the house!

Second these big Endocrine/ Hormone Helper Oils can support the body's ability to replenish and re-balance after we get those things out of our environments <3:

  • Nutmeg and Spruce individual oils and blends: amazing for supporting the adrenals, which are responsible for so many hormones in the body! Blends: En-R-Gee, Endoflex, Sacred Mountain

  • Ylang Ylang, amazing support after years of exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals that mimic estrogen in the body (like we chatted about last week!)

  • Frankincense, this guy helps everything in the eco-system!

  • Clary Sage, specifically helpful in supporting women and their reproductive organs, which- you guessed it are responsible for hormone production, especially in later years

Adding in these oils into your daily routines, the vitality versions for a drop under the tongue at the beginning of the day, diffusing- all of these are ways we can help right the body after all those years of exposure! I started doing this four years ago when I was just so tired I couldn't really do much. My body had had enough! I got everything out of my home and I started putting these things back into the air and on or into my body and haven't stopped since! They have helped me recover and get my body back !