DIY Hand Sanitizer


As you all know, washing your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of germs. But, sometimes we don’t have access to soap and water and that’s when hand sanitizer comes in handy. Thieves Hand Sanitizer is a must have in our home!!! Have you tried it? We have also found this DIY recipe to be handy too. -Rebecca McClelland


  • 2/3 cup Isopropyl Alochol (60-90%)

  • 1/3 cup aloe vera gel

  • Essential oils of choice. We love Thieves! But you can customize it to any of your favorite scents.

  • Small or medium mixing bowl

  • Spoon

  • Empty container (reuse an old hand sanitizer bottle or a travel size bottle)

  • Washi Tape for labeling

    How to:

  • In a mixing bowl, stir Isopropyl alcohol and Aloe Vera gel together until well blended

  • Add 8- 10 drops of essential oil. Stir to incorporate

  • pour into your empty container and seal

  • Add label!

Adapt as you see fit based on CDC guidelines.

Have you tried your own or do you prefer Thieves Hand Sanitizer?

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