DIY Diffuser Bomb
Kristina Carter came up with the most brilliant way to have all of your favorite diffuser blends ready to go for quick and easy use. Create your favorite diffuser blends ahead of time in a few simple steps. I love how convenient this is. -Rebecca McClelland
Reuse your 15ml essential oil bottles (or use a new dropper bottle)
Add your oils from your fav blends. You'll be able to add double the amount or more depending on your bottle size. 15ml bottles can hold almost 300 drops.
Top with appropriate dropper size (completely optional!).
Before use, give the bottle a slight shake and then add 8-10 drops to your diffuser.
100 drops Orange
100 drops Grapefruit
60 drops Idaho Blue Spruce OR Northern Lights Black Spruce
40 drops Geranium
The Happy Hippie:
80 Northern Lights Black Spruce
60 Patchouli
80 Jade Lemon
70 Grapefruit
Clean House:
100 Rosemary
100 Lime
You can create these blends in a 5ml bottle too. Just make total drops equal to 100!
What is your favorite diffuser blend?