Summer Vacation : Most Used Products


Who loves to travel in the summer and has a packed schedule?? Here are a few things I always throw in my bag for all the warm adventures!!

• DiGize (+ Tummygize for the kids) to support all the tummy things.

• Thieves to support our immunity.

• Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier to help cover us all!

• Peppermint for tummies, sore muscles, afternoon pick me up, yucky smells and more!

• Lavender to support skin and basically all.the.things.

• Stress Away, because ya know? travel.

• Diffuser for the room to purify and get that dreamy rest.... also bringing all my fav diffuser combos to make it feel like home!

+Cedarwood + Orange for sleep support

+ Joy + Tangerine

+ Stress Away + Citrus Fresh

+ Gentle Baby + Jade Lemon + White Angelica

+ Thieves + Tangerine

What are your must haves when you hit the road??

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