DIY Acne Spot Treatment


Sometimes acne is inevitable, even if you do follow every tip and try your best to keep your skin clean and clear. This homemade zit treatment is great for those occasions. Jojoba oil is known for fighting the production of excess oil. Tea tree oil is antiseptic, antibacterial, and it reduces redness and inflammation. I love having this ready to use! -Rebecca McClelland



  • Using a 5 or 10 ml roller ball, fill 3/4 of the way with your choice of carrier oil. You can reuse any of your empty oil bottles and add a fitment to the top!

  • Fill the remaining 1/4 with tea tree oil.

  • Mix and roll on the next time you face a break out.

  • Store in a dark location to keep roll on recipe effective.

Use as needed throughout the day!