DIY Bug Bite Balm


Summer days means longer days spent outdoors are inevitable. Whether you're playing in the yard catching fireflies, exploring a new hiking trail or simply enjoying the later sunsets bugs are unavoidable. Young Living's Insect Repellent works wonders but bugs always find the tiny spot we missed. This Bug Bite Balm is soothing and stops the itch! -Rebecca McClelland


  • Roman Chamomile – excellent for skin

  • Australian Ericifolia essential oil - commonly known as “Lavender Tea Tree,” synergistically combines the benefits of Tea Tree with the soothing nature of Lavender

OR Tea Tree and Lavender oils

  • Tea Tree oil – Tea tree essential oil is known for its anti-pain, anti-swelling, and anti-itching qualities. It’s also antibacterial and antifungal so it should help keep those annoying bug bites from getting infected.

  • Lavender oil – Lavender has soothing pain-relieving qualities that quickly take the pain and itch out of bites.


  • Beeswax – provides healing properties as well as moisture and texture benefits for the balm

  • Shea Butter– contains multiple moisturizers and has a high vitamin A content

  • Avocado oil -moisturizes the skin and reduces age spots


  • 4-ounce jar

  • 2 tablespoons pure shea butter

  • 2 tablespoons avocado oil

  • 1 ounce pure beeswax

  • 5-10 drops Roman Chamomile oil

  • 15-20 drops Australian Ericafolia


  • 5-10 drops Lavender oil

  • 5-10 drops Tea Tree oil


  • In a small pan, melt shea butter, avocado oil, and beeswax. Stir well.

  • Remove from heat and stir in Roman Chamomile and Australian Ericifolia OR Lavender, and Tea Tree oil. Let cool slightly, then pour into small jars or lip balm containers. Makes 5 ounces of balm.

Tell us one of your favorite outdoor summer activities!

Adapted from Hello Glow