Emotional Education : The Enneagram Six


The enneagram is a personality typing tool that focuses on your fears and your motivations. Each type may have affinities to certain oils to help them emotionally <3 To learn more about the Enneagram and what your type might be: https://www.enneagraminstitute.com/

Sixes main struggle and fear is abandonment and loss of security, support, or guidance. This fear of abandonment or fear of losing safety can push a six into anxiousness easily. Thinking and worrying more, sixes can have a lot of fear around making important decisions. It can be hard for a Six to turn off their thinking, even experiencing thinking in loops. However, because of this, 6s are excellent problem solvers, trouble-shooters, group thinkers, and loyal, cooperative, key members of any team! -Eryn Jones


  • Frankincense , Peace & Calming, or Grounding for times of extreme worry- to help get out of your head and turn them off!

  • Lavender for the Fear of Abandonment or Lack of Support. Lavender on the right and left sides of the abdomen to promote calm and diffused to remind you that you are Connected Always and Never Alone! Embracing the New while wearing Lavender, instead of mulling over fear and anxiety.

  • Sixes greatest gift to the world is Their Trust In Themselves! When they are grounded in their trust of God, others, + themselves, they are amazing leaders and forward movers in our world! Highest Potential used as perfume can help with tapping into a Six's sense of self-empowerment <3

Where are our Sixes at?!
