Emotional Education : The Enneagram Two


Twos are natural at giving, serving, and figuring out your needs before you have to ask them for anything! But 2s struggle with self care, with feeling truly wanted outside their acts of service, and with lack of boundaries, which can often feel run down, low on energy, feel trapped by their constant "yes-es" and not taking time for themselves.


  • Highest Potential for feeling Powerless over situations, boundaries, others' expectations. And for evoking the emotion of Empowerment!

  • Purification over the heart and lungs for feelings of being Unwanted. Total acceptance of you by you is the path towards Freedom

  • Endoflex and En-R-Gee for feelings of Self-Denial (to take care of you!) and to support adrenal and energy for when you feel run-down!

  • Humility for feeling like you are Enough- because you are just by being you!

Any Enneagram Twos here?

-Eryn Jones