Organizing Your Drawers
Cleaning out has been a great distraction right now and it feels so good to see a finished project! Purging drawers seemed like a great place to start because clothes seem to accumulate at rapid speed. Here are some Marie Kondo tips to get those drawers organized! -Katie Weber
Set aside a chunk of time, put on your favorite tunes and a diffuser blend that will get you motivated like peppermint + lemon!
Set up 2 bins to put clothes in once you begin and label them as "keep" and "donate"
Marie Kondo recommends pulling out all of your clothing items and putting them in one place before you begin (if that isn't practical pick one category at a time)
Note: Pulling out everything you own at once is a powerful image to really see how much you have and compare similar items to determine what you truly love.
Go through each article of clothing (and actually touch each piece) to decide if it "sparks joy" - a funny way to clean out but touching an item truly does help make a decision about that piece.
If it is sentimental piece that you know longer wear or have a reason to save, acknowledge the joy it gave you at one point and donate it.
Once you finish and it's time to put clothes back in your drawers, Marie Kondo recommends a file folding method that is a great way to see each item in the drawer:
When hanging clothes back up, hang them by type (jackets, suits, dresses, etc) and then by length.
When you finish a clothing purge, you will find that getting dressed is so much easier because everything you own is something that sparks joy! Do you like to do a big purge or clean out little by little? Share your favorite clean out tips!