Emotional Education : Digize


Digize isn't what we typically think of when we think: Emotion Oil! But since it is pretty common to bust out the DiGize this time of year with all the candy and treats, I wanted to share how it can also be super helpful for certain emotions too!


You know the feeling of having high expectations, and then the thing didn't exactly life up to all the hype? I am the QUEEN of too high expectations sometimes! Also- 2020 met no ones expectations! Maybe this is also what happens when we over-eat- we have *expectations *of that 2nd piece of pie being able to help us feel better in some way, but usually it feels good for a bit and ends up causing other problems later.

Digize to the rescue in more ways that one- helping us with high expectations and disappointments in life not just with food, but emotionally as well. You can rub it over the appendix (lower right side of abdomen) or take it in a capsule with coconut oil.


Did you know Ginger has been used for centuries to promote feelings of Abundance and Satisfaction? That's why it's in oils like Abundance! Also Peppermint, Ginger, and Lemongrass have what is called anxiolytic compounds in them that can affect the limbic system and promote feelings of calm in the body and mind!

The combo of all the oils helps with negative feelings surrounding our expectations. When I'm feeling easily dissapointed, not satisfied by anything, I go for my DiGize. In fact, I keep it in my purse always because of it's helpfulness with this kind of emotion. What about you? Do you keep Digize on your person or keep it at home? It's a great one to travel around with!