Emotional Support with Davana
*No matter where you stand with current news and this election, it is safe to say we can all use a little emotional support right now! Davana is a new-ish single that has quickly become a favorite over here! *
Davana is found in many emotionally supportive blends like Release and Acceptance and has a bright, fruity smell that reminds me of Fruity Pebbles! Davana can be a powerful emotional support tool, especially when paired with affirmations, meditation and gratitude journaling. This oil helps:
Promote positivity
Balance energies
Release feelings of hopelessness
Diffuse: Try 4 Northern Lights Black Spruce, 3 Grapefruit, 2 Clove, 2 Davana
Diffuse: 4 Rosemary, 3 Grapefruit, 2 Davana (smells like West Elm!)
Apply: roll over the heart, back of the neck, wrists.
Inhale: place a drop in your palm, cup over your hands and inhale deeply.
The limbic system is primarily responsible for our emotional life and also controls functions including adrenaline flow, behavior, motivation, long-term memory, and olfaction. Our olfactory (smell) sense is almost directly connected to the limbic system, meaning simply inhaling essential oils can have an immediate and profound effect emotionally.
In fact, a New York University study found the only way to release fear from the amygdala (a part of the limbic system) is through smell. Essential oil compounds can actually work to repair and reprogram cellular memory when used intentionally and consistently!