Emotional Education with Lemon


Lemon is truly a jack of all trades for emotions! Not only is it a citrus oil, helping lift our mood, especially in winter, it has the ability to help with specific emotions too!

There are a lot more than three emotions that lemon can help with, but for today I’m focusing on these three. An amazing resource is Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils by Dr. Carolyn Mein for more on Lemon + Emotions.

  • Frustration is closely tied to our expectations (of ourselves, of others, or of a situation or outcome). The other side, or opposite feeling, of Frustration is Accomplishment. Most of the time when we feel frustrated is usually because we fear that we are not going to accomplish what we want to do/ feel/ or have happen! How many times does that happen with small people in the home?! Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils suggests rubbing a drop or two of Lemon along the ribs, near the sternum (above the bile ducts), and focus on moving beyond your limitations or expectations. If we store up enough frustration that does not get resolved it turns to chronic anger, which is highly associated with liver and gall discomfort/ problems. So it's good to let the frustration go!

  • Lack, or the feeling of emptiness- when we don't feel "Complete". The other side of Lack is Full. This also makes this oil great for the Enneagram 7s and Enneagram 4s! Releasing Emotional Patterns suggests rubbing Lemon over the heart and chest while focusing on our completeness and all that we currently possess.

  • Stuck, the opposite of feeling Transformed and moving forward. When we feel stuck we fear experiencing life. So rubbing Lemon EO on our sinuses (not recommended on face if going outside so use the vitaflex points on hands and feet- the second toe or the creases of your first 3 fingers inside your palm) can be helpful for branching out and having new experiences and getting un-stuck!

What about you? Would love to hear your testimonies on using Lemon for emotions! What are your Lemon stories?

Author : Eryn Jones