Love Yourself Roller


“The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself.” Mark Twain

If part of your intentions for the new year is working on relationships, then we cannot forget about ourselves. For some of us, self-love can be difficult. Try opening yourself up to self-acceptance with this dreamy blend!


10 drops Frankincense

10 drops Neroli

5 drops Lavender

In an empty roller bottle, add the oils above, and top off with your favorite carrier oil. Pro-tip: Consider using Mirah Shave oil as your carrier! Smells amazing and you'll feel extra beautiful!


  • Let go of rating yourself/ comparing yourself to others

  • Morning gratitude sessions

  • Compassion and forgiveness to yourself

  • Learn from good and bad experiences

  • Remember that feelings are not facts

  • Talk to someone- spouse, friend, counselor

What are 3 things that you like about yourself!

Author : Erin Jones