Holiday Self Care


During the holiday months, we are most likely to be socializing more, sleeping less, and eating less healthily than we ususally do. Here are some small ways to incorporate self-care this season. Katie Weber


"Few things consistently mess with people's emotional and physical health like chronic sleeplessness and poor sleep." Psychology Today

  • Diffuse diffuse diffuse! At night and in preparation for bedtime. We love lavender, frankincense, cedarwood, vetiver to support sleep.

  • Cut back on caffeine after 2pm.

  • No screen time at least 1 hour before bed.


  • 10 min a day can trigger the same hormones targeted by antidepressant medications. Even if time is limited, getting outside and taking a walk goes a long way.


  • For an amazing facial steam, mask, or hair treatment head here:

  • For a quick Happy Day oil protocol from Rebecca McClelland take is a great way to stop and be mindful during a busy day. Apply Valor on wrists and bottom of feet, Joy over your heart, Harmony over your solar plexus and White Angelica brushed from head to toe.

How do you incorporate self-care over this season?