Hostess Gifts


tis the season to be hosting! save this post because if you’re like us, you’re probably gearing up to gather with the people you love most—and you never want to show up empty-handed! enter our favorite hostess gifts:​​​​​​​​


Lime Vitality + cocktail shaker​​​​​​​​
Peppermint Vitality + festive mugs + homemade powdered cocoa mix:​​​​​​​​
Cinnamon Bark + festive tea towel + fresh rosemary plant​​​​​​​​
Thieves Essential Oil Blend + loose leaf tea + set of mugs​​​​​​​​
Rosemary Vitality + olive oil + measuring cups or spoons​​​​​​​​
Stress Away Bath Bomb + cozy socks or slippers + lip balm​​​​​​​​
what's your favorite thing to bring a host or hostess?