FAQ : Oils + Travel


Whether you're heading out on a plane, train, or automobile, here is everything you need to know about traveling with your YL favorites! -Ashley Cribb


When it comes to flying, I've always packed my oils in a separate pouch from other liquids. At security, I remove my oils pouch from my carryon and place it in the bin with the other required items. I've never had any problems!

Note: If you are headed to higher altitudes or flying to your destination make sure the plastic septum and the roll-on lids are screwed on tight underneath the bottle caps. We also recommend you keep your oils in your carry-on or purse! Then once (or twice if a long flight) in the air, simply open the lid on the bottles, check the septum and roll on lids, and close tight again...easy peasy, no-pressure-related leaks!


I travel with the Dewdrop or Desert Mist, rolling up the cord and placing it inside the diffuser! Saves space + you won't forget the cord! I pack it in the bottom of the suitcase with my shoes or in a carry-on.

Low on space? We also love the Orb Diffuser (also great for road trips!) or the base of the KidScents diffusers!


  • Use Thieves cough drops or lozenges like Airborne to keep travel germs at bay!

  • Pack Thieves spray and hand purifier for all.the.things.

  • Peppermint + Panaway or Deep Relief in a roller for all the travel aches.

  • Peppermint + Digize in a roller for when your belly does the hokey pokey

  • Lavender, Peace & Calming, Frankincense, Cedarwood for all the sleep support

  • Drink your Ningxia packets! Antioxidant support, immune support, natural energy!

What are your must have oils or products for travel?

More great tips in this class!