FAQ : Oils and Little Ones


So many of us turned to oils during pregnancy for natural tools for our families! Here are our best tips for using oils on your little ones of all ages! -Ashley Cribb


  • When it comes to oiling little ones, we recommend starting with the bottom of the feet. This area is a great receptor site for oils, but it is also not sensitive.

  • Other areas we use include: down the spine (great for when they are fighting off something), along the jawline and behind the ears (great for growing teeth or hurting ears), onto the chest or back (for respiratory support).

  • The rule of thumb is dilute! Some gentle oils like lavender, copaiba + gentle baby don't require dilution, but always use your best judgment.


Every bottle has a dilution ration directly on it, and for each age you would dilute at the following ratio:

  • Age 0-1: dilute at 1/8 the labeled concentration

  • Age 2-6: dilute at 1/4 the labeled concentration

  • Age 7-11: dilute at 1/2 the labeled concentration

  • Age 12+: full labeled concentration

We also really love the Kidscents line! It is pre-diluted for ages 2 and up, so add a roller tip and roll it directly on the area of need!


Diffusing is a great way to expose little ones to oils! A few guidelines we follow:

  • Diffuse in open areas, especially for littles under the age of 2.

  • If diffusing in closed rooms, lower the drops of oil for hot oils like Thieves, Raven, Peppermint.


We want to know.. did you start using oils because of your kiddos? If not, what brought you here? We're so happy to have you in this community!