When we say "VO," we are referring to this Virtual Office, (www.youngliving.com) where we log in to place orders, check our downlines, see our paychecks -- all that good stuff. Visual learner? Watch this video.

Here are some of our favorite parts of the Virtual Office and how to use them!

Prepare to fall in love with your VO!
Do you have a friend wanting to hop aboard the oily train? You can send them a customized link that will sign them up under you! (PS. Every time you do this, you make a minimum of $50!) You can find your personalized link builder under the Member Resources section on the left side of your VO. Video here.

Want to see how close you are to the next rank? Want to ensure you know exactly what is needed to get there? You will love this section of the VO. In fact I’d say it’s where most Happy Oilers spend the bulk of their time! You can find it by clicking “Dashboard” on the left side of your VO, and then clicking “Rank Qualification.” You’ll be able to track your PV, OGV, PGV, and all of your legs, and see where you stand for the next rank (and all the ranks, all the way to Royal Crown Diamond!) As you cross things off your list, the boxes are filled in with green, and it’s SLIGHTLY addicting to watch that happen. I recommend logging in to your VO at least once a day and looking at this page; but preferably at least once in the morning and once in the evening.

Essential Rewards is Young Living’s rewards program for those who order frequently. Members of Essential Rewards get points back toward free stuff, cheaper/faster shipping, free things to try every single month, and basically, it’s just THE BEST THING EVER. You can learn more about Essential Rewards here and you can setup and manage your Essential Rewards on the left side of your Virtual Office by clicking “Essential Rewards."

PV Assistant is a handy tool that makes sure to alert you if you’re missing your 100PV (remember, 100PV is needed every month in order for you to receive a check for all the money you are eligible for). Sometimes you may have 100PV worth of items in your cart, but something goes out of stock. In this case, Young Living will simply remove it from your cart, which can leave you shy of your needed 100PV. Not good! Thankfully, if you turn on PV Assistant, they will give you the heads up when this happens. It also allows you to preselect alternate products that will be added to your Essential Rewards order in case some items become unavailable, ensuring you meet your desired PV for the month. The best part? PV Assistant adds alternates only when necessary to meet your desired PV. Joining is easy, free, and optional. You can also tell your PV Assistant that you’d like to reach the 190PV promos each month (or the 200, or the 300…) to make sure you don’t fall short. It’s a good idea to have this turned on! Video here.

The notes section allows you to leave yourself little notes about members of your downline. Their favorite oil, their “why,” their personality color… as your downline grows, it can get hard to remember these things about each person. This is the perfect place to keep it all handy and accessible. When you log into your VO and click “My Organization,” and then “Downline Viewer,” you can find the member you want to make a note about. Follow their name to the far right and click the little green square under “Actions” that is called “Member Information.” At the top of the pop-up box, you’ll see a grey tab labeled “Notes.” Any time you pull up this member’s information, your notes will be there!

This sure is a fun one to look at! To view your commissions, click “My Account” on the left side of your VO, and then “My Commissions.” You’ll be able to see every paycheck you’ve ever received from Young Living. It’s REALLY fun to see how much that check increases month to month (and year to year!) You can also click the blue check number on the far right of each paycheck to see the elaborated information on HOW exactly you earned that moolah that month. It shows specifically where your money comes from — from Fast Start Bonus, to Unilevel Commissions, Starter Kit Bonuses, and everything in between. It also shows you what your rank was, what your OGV was, and a bunch of other handy information. We LOVE viewing this breakdown and brainstorming ways to increase each category.

Want a list of all your new members from last month? Want to see how many people qualified for the 300PV promo? Want to see just the people on ER? OR How about all the new members, who hopped on ER, and qualified for the 300PV promos in the same month? Want to see your downline members who’s accounts are about to go inactive? You can set advanced filters in the Reports tab any time you want to make this all SUPER SIMPLE. You can find Reports by going to “My Organization” on the left side of your VO, and then clicking “Downline Viewer”, and clicking the grey tab at the top that says “Reports.”

This can be found on the left side of your VO. In this area, you’ll find a lot of cool things: the Compensation Plan, the current Out of Stock List (and estimates for when things will be back!), the Product Catalog, information about how to qualify for the Global Leadership Cruise, Policies, and ALL SORTS OF GOOD STUFF. Definitely take a moment to look around in Member Resources at all the things that are available to you!

Live Chat ROCKS. At the tippy top of your Virtual Office (right next to your name), you will see a button that says “Live Help.” When you click it, you can talk to a Young Living representative LIVE and get help with whatever issue you may be having. Shipping problem? Product question? Question about one of the fancy trips YL sends us on? You can ask these and get answers instantly. Our favorite way to use Live Chat though, is to place new enrollments and see them moved INSTANTLY. This saves so much time. If you want to stack your people via Live Chat, make sure to do it within 5 days of their signing up (otherwise, you have 20 days to stack them via emailing resolutions@youngliving.com). Sometimes there is a line to speak to a Live Chat rep, usually at the end of the month when everyone is trying to stack their people, but often there is no line at all! Be sure to have your name, member number, and 4-digit pin ready when you hop on Live Chat.
If you have never logged into your Virtual Office before, pop in and give it a test drive real quick! We promise you'll love peeking around in there and seeing all that's possible!