members only

We are so excited that you have joined our community! We love and adore our members and are always looking for new ways to make your experience with the Golden Drop Society that much richer and more fun! Here are some of our favorite resources that we hope will keep you feeling your best and smelling amazing. You can also check out your Members Only blog here. Be well! XO

hootie spray

Essential Rewards or ER as we call it is our free loyalty program and a no brainer for people obsessed with essential oils + getting free products!

Diffuser combos

Diffuser combos from your kit! Some of our tried and true favorites.

The business

Tips for getting started in running your own Young Living business. This is our Golden Drop Society mentorship, created just for you! Password: gds15

oils and little ones

This is our exclusive Oils + Little ones book that will cover everything from diluting oils to pregnancy, our favorite tips and tricks and more!

now what?!

Here is a step-by-step guide for using your oils. Yay! Learn more on Facebook using the search box and you can also download our favorite app here!

Roller combos

We love making these! A collection of roller ball recipes using kit oils!

oils + emotions

A guide to navigating using essential oils to go from worry and overwhelm to joy and peace. We love using these tools to support our emotions.

the clean book

Our exclusive guide to green cleaning, making your house smell amazing. This book is full of recipes, DIYs and more to get you started!


Learning tools! Classes on emotions + oils, DIYs, oils + little ones and everything in between. Happy watching! Password: gds15

wellness cabinet

A collection of our favorite natural options for supporting your health.


Our tried and true DIYs to help you use your oils for everything from self-care to cleaning and just about anything else you can think of.

the beauty book

Dive in to our favorite products, skin care routines and everything else you need to look and feel your best, naturally! Grab a notebook and enjoy.

join our business community

Click here to become a member of The Golden Mixer