Fall Oils 20% off!
photos by Jessica Garvin
Some of our most used oils on sale for 20% off!
The fire is roaring, the stars are shining, and cozy blankets are ready for cuddling—it’s the right time to fall in love!
Starting at 8 a.m., MT, Tuesday, October 23 until 11:59 p.m., MT, on Thursday, October 25, we’re celebrating fall with 20 percent off Young Living’s five best-selling essential oils.
“My son has two bottles of Lavender next to him right this minute, he loves it for all the seasonal support! He rolls it on his chest and cheekbones- we also love it for support in this area paired with Lemon and Peppermint. Game changer!”
Item No.: SKU 3575D
Size: 15 ml
Wholesale Price: $24.25
Retail Price: $31.91
Promotion Price: $19.40
PV: 19.40
Essential Rewards: No
Quick Order: Yes
NFR: Yes
Our favorite ways to use Lavender:
Add to 1/2 cup of Epsom Salts
Make a roller to use before bed: 10 drops Lavender + topped with V6 carrier oil (for double the benefits, add 10 drops of Cedarwood)
Diffuse with either Cedarwood or Northern Lights Black Spruce before bed (or just on its own!)
Use with coconut oil to soften and smoothe skin after a bath or too much sun
Diffuse with Lemon and Peppermint for seasonal support (3 drops each!)
“Peppermint is my life-line to enjoying the outdoors and for keeping me awake to work once the kids go to bed.”
Item No.: SKU 3614D
Size: 15 ml
Wholesale Price: $22.00
Retail Price: $28.95
Promotion Price: $17.60
PV: 17.60
Essential Rewards: No
Quick Order: Yes
NFR: Yes
Our favorite ways to use Peppermint:
Make a roller with 10 drops Peppermint and topped with fractionated coconut oil - perfect for all things head related
Add a drop to your favorite brownie mix or in your glass water bottle
Drop a drop on your tongue for instant fresh breath
Diffuse with Lemon in the morning for the perfect pick-me-up!
Diffuse with Thieves for a festive and healthy blend
“No house should be without Thieves in the Fall & Winter! We stock up big time!”
Item No.: SKU 3423D
Size: 15 ml
Wholesale Price: $34.75
Retail Price: $45.72
Promotion Price: $27.80
PV: 27.80
Essential Rewards: No
Quick Order: Yes
NFR: Yes
Our favorite ways to use Thieves:
Apply with a dab of coconut oil to the bottoms of your feet and everyone else’s to boost your immune system
Make a Thieves roller with 10 drops thieves, topped with carrier oil for easy application
Diffuse with Lemon or Lavender or Peppermint for a variety of wellness needs
Put a drop under the tongue when you need an added boost
Add a drop to your hot tea or coffee
“My husband wears this as cologne paired with Northern Lights Black Spruce. I can’t name one thing that smells better than this combo. Also, it is amazing in the diffuser with lavender before bed. Sweet dreams!”
Item No.: SKU 3509D
Size: 15 ml
Wholesale Price: $11.50
Retail Price: $15.13
Promotion Price: $9.20
PV: 9.20
Essential Rewards: No
Quick Order: Yes
NFR: Yes
Our favorite ways to use Cedarwood:
Diffuse with Lavender or alone before bed
Make a hair serum with Lavender and Cedarwood to support healthy hair and growth
Make your own cologne with Cedarwood and NLBS
Add a couple of drops to your conditioner
Add to the back of your neck to support your brain health
“All the emotions for you or your little ones!? This oil is for you. The scared of the dark, don’t wanna go to school, hate flying, always worrying, in your feelings, make the magic happen blend called Valor. And yes, it’s BLUE. Apply to wrists, behind ears or over the heart & inhale deeply.”
Item No.: SKU 3430D
Size: 5 ml
Wholesale Price: $39.75
Retail Price: $52.30
Promotion Price: $31.80
PV: 31.80
Essential Rewards: No
Quick Order: Yes
NFR: Yes
Our favorite ways to use Valor:
Add a roller top to be able to roll this on anytime, anywhere
Apply to your kids before school on their chest or add a drop to their brush to comb through and give them all of the support
Diffuse before a big speech or test
Keep it in your purse for all of the big feelings that the day may bring. Make a roller for your child’s back pack!