What could clog the drain?
This business will surface a lot of things about yourself that you might know or you might not have ever realized...fears, insecurities, misconceptions, habits, thinking patterns, etc. We want to help you discover some of those things early so that when they start to surface you will know how to move past it.
Is it fear of failure, rejection, of being vulnerable? Are you scared that people will view you as “that” MLM lady? Is it rational? Is it true? Is it worth the possibility of not giving your all?
A good response to some of y'alls fears-
"I don’t want to buy from a Multi level Marketing Company. I've heard that they're a scam."
A scam is “a dishonest scheme or fraud”. There is nothing fraudulent about a MLM. Everything about the business structure is forthcoming and honest. When you take a look at their compensation plan, you can see where each of your dollars go.
When you are purchasing anything from any MLM, what you are doing is not only supporting the company that made a product, but you’re also supporting your friend.
You’re buying local.
You’re helping pay for a little girl’s ballet classes, and supper for a family. You’re investing in that little boy’s college fund and school supplies for him. You’re supporting families that you know and so many that you don’t!
An MLM uses the costs that a company would normally use for marketing and gives it to families so they can build their own dreams and create a business for themselves. It is so far beyond paying big bucks to top level execs, but gives everyone an opportunity to create an income for themselves!
Buying from your friend instead of another random company is the biggest investment into them to say, “I believe in you”.
Homework: watch the video above, "How to Fail in this Business and Still Become a Diamond" and listen to this podcast: WORK LIKE A DIAMOND.
Ready for Day 13? Click here.